Sydney Children's Hospitals Network is the largest paediatric health care entity in Australia. We care for thousands of children each year in our hospitals and in their homes — with one purpose in mind — to help young people live their healthiest lives.
Employment Type : Temporary Part Time
Position Classification : Staff Specialist
Hours Per Week : 8
Requisition ID : REQ469761
Applications via eCredential ONLY! The Adolescent Medicine Department - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Service at The Children's Hospital at Westmead has a vacant temporary Staff Specialist position of
The CICADA Centre NSW offers Care and Intervention for Children and Adolescents affected by Drugs and Alcohol. A lifespan care approach, based in a tertiary paediatric hospital, is delivered through three clinical services : the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Assessment Service, Family Service; and Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Service. Quality improvement, research, teaching and education are essential parts of the CICADA service.
The FASD Assessment Service is NSW-wide service that provides clinical assessment for children and adolescents with a history of prenatal alcohol exposure or whom a diagnosis of FASD is suspected. This usually includes a developmental multidisciplinary assessment, formulation of a diagnostic report, and recommendations for ongoing support and intervention. The service works closely with teams providing services to children exposed to substances during pregnancy, in out-of-home care, in rural and remote NSW, and in juvenile justice. We offer a regular Baby Clinic and FASD-Track consultation service, education and training.
The Staff Specialist (Paediatrician) is responsible for :
Applicants must have completed the COVID-19 vaccination course prior to commencement with NSW Health, or provide an approved medical contraindication certificate certifying the worker cannot have any approved COVID-19 vaccines available in NSW.
ASARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) 2 primary doses are required for Category A positions (refer to NSW Policy Directive PD2023_022 ).
In addition, all Category A workers and new recruits are required to receive one dose of the
seasonal influenza vaccine annually to be considered compliant.
Acceptable proof of vaccination is the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement or AIR COVID-19 Digital Certificate.
The preferred applicant may be considered for the award of a conjoint academic title (levels A to D) in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney at a level commensurate with his / her qualifications and experience. The award of the academic title will also confer membership upon the appointee of the University Department of Paediatrics and Child Health. The academic title will be held for the duration of The Children's Hospital at Westmead appointment. No remuneration is attached to the University appointment. The appointee will be responsible to the University for academic matters and to The Children's Hospital at Westmead for clinical matters.